
Uganda set for nuclear energy

Uganda has expressed readiness to embark on nuclear energy project to meet the increasing demand of electricity,

Mr. Simon Giu D’Ujanga, Uganda’s State minister for energy, unveiled the plan at the International Atomic Energy conference in Vienna, Austria.

D’Ujanga said the east African country has a strong case for the development of nuclear power as the demand for electricity is increasing.

“Uganda continues to prepare for the introduction of nuclear power as part of the diversification strategy for meeting future electricity needs.

“With nuclear power prospects and the significant rise of atomic energy applications, Uganda reaffirms her commitment towards developing the nuclear power infrastructure and strengthening national nuclear safety, security and safeguarding the regime.

“We welcome Agency’s assistance towards this end,” D’Ujanga said.

The country, he said, would work together with the international atomic energy agency to address the security, safety and ensure that such developments do not end up as nuclear terrorism.

D’Ujanga said: “Uganda believes that development cannot be sustained without peace and security. We wish therefore to applaud the Agency for its international coordination role in enhancing nuclear security regime and for monitoring and safeguarding nuclear material to ensure that peaceful nuclear endeavours do not result in nuclear terrorism and nuclear weapons proliferation.”

He said the agency has already played key roles in ensuring that Uganda’s only radiotherapy centre facility complied with the international safety standards. He said similar programmes will be implemented with the full support of the agency.

“I take this opportunity to commend the Agency for the support towards the restoration of radiotherapy services in my country. The Agency’s assistance to the Member States in advancing the use of nuclear energy for social economic development will go a long way in supporting the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of food and agriculture, water resources management, industry and energy development,” urged D’Ujanga.

Source: ESI Africa

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