
Trump said he’s ‘entitled’ to a third term

Today, in deranged things that actually came out of President Donald Trump&aposs mouth: On Saturday, September 12, while speaking at a campaign rally in Nevada, the president said that after winning the 2020 election in November, he&aposll “negotiate” a third term in office—which, of course, is unconstitutional under the 22nd Amendment.

“Fifty-two days from now we&aposre going to win Nevada, and we&aposre going to win four more years in the White House,” Trump said to the mostly maskless crowd. “And then after that, we&aposll negotiate, right? Because we&aposre probably—based on the way we were treated—we are probably entitled to another four after that.” Don&apost believe it? Here&aposs the video:

Of course, many people on the internet are rightfully alarmed by this. “He&aposs gone full Putin,” Joy Reid tweeted on September 14.

As Business Insider reports, this isn&apost actually the first time the president has suggested he&aposs owed more time in office.

“We are going to win four more years,” Trump said at a rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, last month, according to Yahoo News. “And then after that, we&aposll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.”

It&aposs also worth noting that even if Trump was joking, he&aposs fully aware of the ramifications of statements like these. After a recording of Trump praising Chinese president Xi Jinping&aposs abolishment of presidential term limits in November 2019, Trump went on Meet the Press to clarify his statements.

“I only joke,” he told Chuck Todd. “There won’t be a third term.”

As for what he was heard saying on the recording? “He&aposs now president for life,” Trump said of Xi, per CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it&aposs great. Maybe we&aposll have to give that a shot someday.”

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