The twin evils of our time

By: Tinuade Ogunyemi
Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen perhaps represent the most ominous threats of our time; we are reliving the evil times of misanthropic forces unleashing the reign of terror on the populace.
The wanton violence of Boko Haram on the Nigerian populace, as exemplified by mass kidnappings of innocent girls at the developmental stage of their lives lends credence to this assertion.
The recent kidnapping of 300 girls on the crazy notion, that, western education is a taboo, is ample demonstration of their warped and psychotic thinking.
What on earth could lead to this anomaly when we are living in a democratic and civilised nation? The abnormal has suddenly become the established order; we are definitely living in perilous and dangerous times no thanks to these evil elements from the pit of darkness.
Unfortunately, the government appears to be treating this matter with kid’s gloves. Boko Haram keeps decimating innocent lives due to their ingrained hatred for western civilization; they have turned our beloved country into a land of terror and unease.
Fulani Herdsmen are busy grazing and grating Nigerians all over the country to the accolade of the Nigerian government, we have been told it is their right to graze all over the land, however, it is the right of every law abiding Nigerian to good governance, law and order.
We deserve a better life than living under the fear of kidnapping by terrorist, we deserve better than our innocent girls to be raped and pillaged by terrorist. It is time for all right thinking Nigerians to stand up to the twin evil of Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen.
These miscreants have turned Nigeria into a pariah among civilised nations; the United Nations should look closely into the nefarious activities of these evil agents of our time.
We need peace in our land, Nigerians are generally peace loving people, Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen are outliers, they are not representative of the general populace.
This is a clarion call to women to rise up and condemn in strong terms the chibok kidnapping until all the girls are brought home in safety.
Tinuade Ogunyemi- Strategist for women against injustice.