

The Esan people are homogenous in language, culture and aspirations for a better society . The aggressiveness of Esan people towards development and corporate identity manifested in the bold forays into the various sectors of human development.

The exploits in various sectors including politics need no over emphasis. Our great heroes past include Chief Enahoro, Prince Shaka Momodu, Dr Christopher Okojie, Adm Augustus Aikhomu, Chief Anenih just to mention a few. What stood them out was the genuine appetite for the emancipation of Esan people and the attendant selfless services .

The high point of this unique people in politics was the rare feat of having 2 Esan men to lead the 2 political parties in Nigeria at a time.

The average Esan man is humble and savours self esteem, loyal but umcompromisable, courageous but not foolish. The Edo Central senatorial District (ESANLAND) had produced 2 Governors with the same size and population. This was possible because the political leaders at the time embraced self respect , faithful negotiations devoid of deceit and fidelity to values.which won the confidence of other senatorial districts. If our current political leaders embraced these same virtues, they can win the confidence of the leaders of other senatorial district for an Esan Governor. The current Esan Agenda being championed by some politicians of Esan Extraction needs careful perusal before we eat another humble pie. Nobody will singlehandedly allocate Governorship to Esan. Any promise to that effect is not only deceitful,disingenuous but delusional. We as a people must restrategise to negotiate, realign and be constructive in our quest to lead.

We have to earn it.
I have seen a cesspool of agitations to support Gov Obaseki because he has promised to hand over to an Esan man. Are you kidding me?

Firstly you cannot negotiate to buy a monkey while on the tree. Secondly you cannot give what you don’t have. Thirdly only God Almighty knows tomorrow. Some of my brothers have approached me for the need to buy into this white elephant project and after careful assessment I concluded that there has not been any signs of this ILLUSORY FACT campaign becoming fruitful.

My lack of faith in it stems from the fact that 2 illustrious sons of Esan Extraction picked nomination forms to contest in 2020 under pdp but were vanquished when many of us in other parties were already warming up for Pax Esana – The Esan Agenda. If we can get it in 2020 why wait for 2024? Another hyperbole difficult for me to buy into is the new found love for Esan by GO.

Our Governor . I have transversed the nooks and cranny of Esanland to spot a development but got disappointed. Maybe they are still in the pipeline because I knew the Governor had a scientific sectoral development plan that was abandoned at the instance of needless fights with his estranged friend and predecessor.

The more worrisome is the deliberate relegation of Esan in his government. We do not have any representation in upper echelons of his government. Even the statutory position of Speaker for Esan was confiscated by an Adjoto.. One would have thought that when Akerele resigned as the chief of staff, the new found love for Esan would translate to giving us the appointment. .What did Esan benefit for the stepping down of 2 of our brothers for GO? May be some pecuniary individual benefits .if it’s his earnest desire to consider Esan for 2024 if he can , I am yet to hear such an important declaration in any of the pdp rallies in Edo North and South who will work with Central to actualise the project.

My advise to our Govetnor is that he should bank with “UBA” which Wisemen do. Esan is not a conquered territory and it cannot be conquered. Those who are midwifing the Esan Agenda cannot deliver you. The youths and great men and women of ESANLAND have declared that they can no longer be led by the nose by self centred and easily compromisable leaders. They are counting their blessings and naming them one by one.

Go seek for Esan votes by showcasing your achievements and what you intend to do if you were reelected. . The Tax collectors are not interested in winning the elections but the emergent quick impact cash. I have decided to lead the youths in ESANLAND for positive political revolution. I know my flock and they know me. September 19 will vindicate and validate the TRUE ESAN AGENDA. For our leaders who hide their children away and use the impoverished vulnerable and unemployed youths for violence, please note that there are consequences for such actions. OUR MUMU DON DO.

The youths and women will collect the paltry sum from you and vote for a better tomorrow. The time to plan for the future is now. May God bless Esan People and bring to fruition the TRUE ESAN AGENDA.

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