
Muslim scholar shares experience of living with roommate who was a Pastor of Redeemed Church

By Irfan Ibrahim

A Muslim Scholar Nurudeen Ibrahim (Director of IRFAN CENTRE Nigeria) has shared how he lived in love and harmony with his room mate who was a Pastor of the Redeemed Church during their years of Studies in the University of Lagos.

The scholar in his statement said:

“Throughout my undergraduate years in Unilag (University of Lagos) I shared my room with a Redeemed Pastor to live with me as my partner. Even though I got requests from my other Muslim brothers it was difficult for me to share my room space with them just because the Redeemed Pastor requested the space before any of my Muslim brothers. Some people even said I should collect money from him for sharing the space with me but this makes no sense to me. I refused and allowed him to stay with me for free without paying anything. We lived peacefully and our religion was never a barrier. He respected my religion and my personality as a Muslim scholar and I respected his religion and personality as a Christian pastor. Today many years after school we still have mutual respect for each other. This was easy for me to do because I understand the words of the Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad.

Religion should not be a barrier preventing us from being righteous to one another. There should be mutual respect between Muslims and Christians with both of them giving support to one another. No one should compel one religion over the other party or persuade the other person forcibly that he or she must change his or her religion.

The Quran says: “There should be no compulsion in religion.” (Chapter 2 verse 256)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad did not force any Christian to be a Muslim. He embraced them being Christians abiding by the honorific title given by Almighty Allah to the Christians as mentioned in the Quran AHLUL KITAAB (People of the Scripture).

When the Holy Prophet Muhammad arrived Medina he met with the Christians and discussed agreement on how to collaborate in giving themselves mutual support against the invaders who were common enemies.

In order to show mutual respect and cooperation, the Quran declares reporting the instruction of Almighty God:

‘The food of the People of the Scripture (Christians) is permissible for you (to accept and eat) and your food is permissible for them (to accept and eat).’ (Chapter 5 verse 5)

A pastor once worked for me as a photographer and one day he came to me while knowing I am a Muslim scholar that he needed my help to go further in his pastoral studies. I asked for the cost and he told me. I gave him part of the money that I could afford. Till today he is still grateful. In so many occasions I have through my foundation empowered some Christians who came to me for financial empowerment and I even identified some Christians myself and empowered them.

We must work together as people of faith and righteousness to promote love, peace and unity. Islam forbids the destruction or attack of churches by the Muslims just as it prohibits attack on worshippers therein. The world should know this and whenever there is an attack on any Church, people should know that it cannot be from the Muslims. It is also important to inform the entire world that Islam prohibits terrorism and terrorists are destined for Hell Fire. People who engage in kidnapping and banditry also fall under terrorists. Hence, kidnappers and bandits are also destined for Hell Fire and eternal punishment because they have chosen to follow the path of the Devil whose act is against the command of Almighty God.

One way we can avoid religious trouble is to respect people of other faith. As Christians we should not go and place our speaker in front of the door or window of our neighbour and start preaching the gospel to them. The Muslims too must not do this. When the Christians are worshipping the mosques should not disturb them and vice versa.

Politicians are people of deception. They have their ways of sowing seeds of discord in the minds of people of religion but the religiosity in us must resist such attempt. We should rather see the humanity in us and support one another.

We all should embrace ourselves and share mutual love and respect as even the sinner needs more help than the pious. The Quran says we should invite people to the way of God with wisdom and beautiful preaching.

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