
Mugabe, ex-President of Zimbabwe dies at 95

Robert Mugabe, founding President of Zimbabwe who ruled for nearly 4 decades has died at the age of 95, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced.

Mugabe who ruled Zimbabwe from its independence in 1980 until he was ousted in 2017 died in Singapore Mnangagwa said.

He wrote on Twitter: “It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing on of Zimbabwe’s founding father and former President, Cde Robert Mugabe.

“Cde Mugabe was an icon of liberation, a pan-Africanist who dedicated his life to the emancipation and empowerment of his people. His contribution to the history of our nation and continent will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”

Many people, believed to be Zimbabweans who replied to the tweet celebrated the death, speaking ill of the dead Mugabe. However other eulogised him as a great leader and hero

They wrote:

Mr Mugabe, born 21 February 1924, was a communist and nationalist revolutionary.

In the 1970s he led a guerrilla campaign against the minority white government in what was then known as Rhodesia.

In 1979, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher announced that the UK would officially recognise Rhodesia’s independence if it moved to democratic majority rule.

Mugabe was elected Prime Minister the following year when his ZANU-PF secured 63 per cent of the national vote.

He clung to power by crushing opposition through constitutional changes and cracking down on dissent with state force.

Mugabe abolished the Office of Prime Minister to appoint himself President of Zimbabwe in 1987.

During his lifetime,  Mugabe married Grace, his former secretary who he began an affair with in 1987 while his first wife Sally (nee Hayfron).

The couple – who had a 41 year age gap – had a daughter Bona, born in 1988, son Robert, born in 1990, and youngest son Bellarmine, born in 1997.

In 1992, Mugabe’s wife Sally died. Four years later, Mugabe and Grace were married.

The Mugabe family are known for displaying their lavish lifestyle on social media, with Grace and her children often seen wearing designer clothes.

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