MONDAY, 30 DEC. 2019
Good afternoon gentlemen. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great
2020 for all of you.
2. We have called this press conference to enable us present the
major achievements of the Buhari Administration for the outgoing year
2019. We believe it is important to do this for the record, especially
against the background of the continuing efforts by the political
opposition to obfuscate the steady progress being made by the
Administration in all sectors, even in the face of dwindling
resources. The achievements we are about to highlight are by no means
exhaustive, bu they headline the progress made by the administration
in the year under review.
The economy continues to witness a strong performance, building on the
steady recovery seen since the last recession.
a. OVERALL GROWTH: In 2019, the Nigerian economy grew at an
average rate of 2.2% over the first three quarters, compared to 1.7%
over the same period in 2018.
b. OIL AND NON-OIL SECTORS: Both the oil and non-oil sectors
performed considerably better in 2019 than in 2018. The oil sector
grew at an average of 4% over the three quarters, compared to 2.4% in
2018, while the non-oil sector grew by 2%, compared to 1.7% in 2018.
c. OIL PRODUCTION: The average daily oil production level rose
to its highest in the last 3 years, reaching 2 million barrels per day
(mbpd) in 2019, compared to 1.8 mbpd in 2016, and 1.9 mbpd in both
2017 and 2018.
d. MAJOR GROWTH SECTORS: In particular, in the third quarter of
2019, the major growth drivers were: Information and communications,
agriculture, mining & quarrying, transportation & storage as well as
manufacturing, all of which have seen considerable focus by
government. In the third quarter of 2019, a total of 34 economic
activities witnessed positive expansion, same as in 2018.
e. INFLATION RATE: The trends indicate that overall macroeconomic
stability is being achieved, with inflation rate steadily trending
HEADLINE INFLATION: Year-on-year headline inflation rate declined
steadily from 15.1% in January 2018 to 11.9% in November 2019.
CORE INFLATION: Year-on-year core inflation rate slowed from 12.1% to
9% between January last year and November this year.
FOOD INFLATION: Year-on-year food inflation rate decreased from 18.9%
in January 2018 to 14.5% in November 2019.
Strong performance in the external sector suggests increasing
diversification of exports and export revenue.
IMPORTS: The value of imports in 2019, as at the third quarter, stood
at 11.6 trillion naira, compared to 9.6 trillion naira as at third
quarter of 2018. This represented an annual growth rate of 21% between
2018 and 2019. Other than refined petroleum products, major imports
have been machinery and vehicles.
EXPORTS: The value of exports grew by 2.5% between 2018 and 2019 as
at the third quarter, rising from 14 trillion Naira to 14.4 trillion
Naira. This resulted in a stronger overall performance and an increase
in the value of total trade by 10% between 2018 and 2019.
KEY EXPORTS OF NOTE: While the value of crude oil exports decreased by
3.78%, non crude oil exports rose by over 30% in value between 2018
and 2019. Non-oil exports also doubled from about 1 trillion Naira to
2 trillion Naira over this period.
The 2019 budget performance shows that while revenue shortfalls
occurred in the first half of the year, capital expenditure was
prioritized, leading to higher expenditure performance.
Government revenue: As at half year 2019, actual aggregate revenue
stood at 2 trillion naira, or 58% of pro-rated target. This comprised:
i. Oil revenue of N900 billion (49%performance);
ii. Company Income Tax (CIT) of N349 billion (86%performance);
iii. Value-Added Tax (VAT) of N81 billion (71%performance); and
iv. Customs Collections of N184 billion (100.47%performance).
Government expenditure: As at half year 2019, out of the total
appropriation of 8.9 trillion Naira for 2019, about 3.4 trillion Naira had
been spent, representing 76% performance for that period. Capital
spending has been prioritized in favour of critical ongoing
infrastructural projects in the power, roads, rail and agriculture
Recently, there have been concerns in certain circles about the
country’s growing debt, both domestic and external. In the process,
there have been some misrepresentations and scare mongering. We
therefore believe it is important to put things in the right perspective, so our
citizens will be well informed:
i. The public debt stock is actually a cumulative figure of
borrowings by successive governments over many years. It is therefore
not appropriate to attribute the public debt stock to one
ii. Nigeria’s total public debt stock in 2015 was
$63.80 billion,
comprising $10.31 billion of external debt and
$53.49 billion domestic
debt. By June 2019, the total debt stock was $83.883 billion, made up
of $27.163 billion of external debt and $56.720 billion domestic debt.
It is therefore not correct to say that Nigeria’s external debt alone
is $81.274 billion.
iii. There is yet no cause for alarm. This is because Nigeria has a
debt ceiling of 25% in the total public debt stock to Gross Domestic
Product (Debt/GDP), which it has operated within. The ratio for Dec.
31 2018 and June 30 2019 were 19.09% and 18.99% respectively.
iv. The debt service to revenue ratio has however been higher than
desirable, hence the push by the government to diversify the economy
and increase oil and non-oil revenues significantly. The government is
also widening the tax base to capture more tax-paying citizens.
v. In the face of massive infrastructural decay, no responsible
government will sit by and do nothing. This Administration’s
borrowing, therefore, is aimed at revamping our infrastructure,
including roads, bridges, railways, waterways and power, to help
unleash the potential of the nation’s economy. The loans for the
educational sector will contribute to the development of our human
capital while the loans for the agricultural sector will help the move
to diversify the economy.
Capital importation comprises mainly foreign direct investment,
portfolio investment and other investment flowing into the country. As
at the third quarter of 2019, total capital importation had reached
nearly 20 billion US dollars, which was 34% higher than the 15 billion
US dollars recorded for the first three quarters of 2018.
While the inflow of foreign direct investment declined over the period
by 39% from 1 billion US dollars to 700 million US dollars, portfolio
investment and other investments both rose significantly by 39% and
42% respectively.
Major sectors: Apart from banking and shares, some of the major
sectors that witnessed high volume of capital inflows in 2019 were
telecommunications, production and services.
Major states: Nearly all of the total capital importation as at Q3
2019 flowed to Lagos and Abuja, as is typical.
The Executive, in collaboration with the National Assembly, succeeded
in introducing the 12-month (January to December) budget cycle for the
first time since 1999. This is a major development, considering the
damage that delayed passage of budgets has done to the economy over
the years. With the new cycle, there will be a more rapid
infrastructural development, more job creation, etc
a. The Administration’s fight against corruption is progressing on
all fronts, including institutional reforms, loot recovery and
prosecution of alleged corrupt persons. As you are aware, this is one
of the cardinal programmes of the Administration, with the others
being the revamping of the economy (which I have just dwelt on
extensively) and tackling insecurity (which I will touch on in the
course of this press conference)
The Administration took a major step forward in the fight against
corruption when it launched the Financial Transparency Policy and
Portal, also known as Open Government. The Transparency Policy
mandates the Accountant General of the Federation (AGF) to publish a
Daily Treasury Statement, which will provide information about what
comes into the national treasury and what goes out every day. Under
the policy, the Accountant General of the Federation and all
Accounting Officers must publish Daily Payments Reports. With these
reports, the Treasury will publish payments of at least 10 million
Naira while all MDAS must publish payments above 5 million Naira made
out of all public funds in their care. The information to be published
must include the Ministry, Department and Agency (MDA) responsible,
the beneficiary, the purpose and amount of each payment. Accounting
Officers are responsible for providing answers to any questions from
the public relating to transactions completed by entities under their
The AGF was also mandated to publish monthly Fiscal Accounts detailing
the fiscal performance of the Federation, including receipts from all
the collection agencies and payments out of the Federation Account.
This must be done within 14 days after the end of the month. The AGF
and all Accounting Officers of MDAs must publish Quarterly Financial
Statements for the government as a whole and for individual MDAS
President Muhammadu Buhari said the reason for implementing the policy
is to cement government’s commitment to improving governance and
supplementing the recently-launched Whistle-blower Policy and
equipping the general population with the tools they need to report
financial wrongdoing. This policy is unprecedented and will go a long
way in enhancing transparency in governance and curtailing public
sector corruption (The portal can be accessed through:
b Similarly, in its effort to block leakages and promote
transparency in the management of resources, the President this year
approved additional cost-saving measures, particularly in the area of
official travels. Under the new policy, all MDAs are required to
submit their Yearly Travel Plans for statutory meetings and
engagements to the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the
Federation and/or the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the
Federation for express clearance within the first quarter of the
fiscal year, before implementation. They are further required to make
their presentation using the existing template and also secure
approvals on specific travels as contained in the plan, from the
appropriate quarters.
On the Nature and Frequency of travels, all public-funded travels
(local and foreign), must be strictly for official purposes backed
with documentary evidence. In this regard, all foreign travels must be
for highly-essential statutory engagements that are beneficial to the
interest of the country. Except with the express approval of Mr.
President, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Chairmen of
Extra-Ministerial Departments, Chief Executive Officers and Directors
are restricted to not more than two (2) foreign travels in a quarter.
Also, when a Minister is at the head of an official delegation, the
size of such delegation shall not exceed four (4) including the
relevant Director, Schedule Officer and one (1) Aide of the Minister.
Every other delegation below ministerial level shall be restricted to
a maximum of three (3).
For Class of Air Travels, the President has approved that Ministers,
Permanent Secretaries, Special Advisers, Senior Special Assistants to
the President, Chairmen of Extra-Ministerial Departments and Chief
Executive Officers of Parastatals who are entitled, to continue to fly
Business Class, while other categories of Public Officers are to
travel on Economy Class. Also, travel days will no longer attract
payment of Estacode Allowances as duration of official trips shall be
limited to only the number of days of the event as contained in the
supporting documents to qualify for public funding.
c. The fight against corruption also gained momentum within the
period, with high profile convictions. Between January and October
2019 alone, that’s a period of 10 months, the Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission (EFCC) secured 890 convictions. This is the highest
anywhere in the world. Recall that in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, the
EFCC was only able to secure 103, 189, 190 and 202 convictions
respectively. The high rate of convictions in 2019 is in addition to
the billions of naira in looted funds that have been recovered by the
EFCC. For its part, the ICPC has launched a novel project of tracking
the huge resources allocated to constituency projects over the years.
The Commission has started with the education and health sectors and,
already, many contractors who abandoned their projects are returning
to site. The Commission has also launched the WAHALA DEY app, which is
a one-stop shop for daily information from the ICPC, and for Nigerians
to report acts of corruption.
Let me reiterate what I said before: This is not the first time
Nigeria is fighting the canker-worm of corruption, but it is the first
time that the fight is being backed by a strong political will, with a
President renowned for his honour, dignity and incorruptibility
personally leading the fight. And that is making all the difference. I
have also said that while the war against corruption is still a war in
progress, it is also fair to say that corruption has now been driven
under the table, and that the corrupt ones can no longer flaunt the
proceeds of their corruption the way they used to do in the past. That
is a major step forward. After all, every successful battle is a step
towards winning a war.
Our gallant men and women in uniform stepped up the fight against
terrorism in 2019, despite the fact that they are not just fighting
the rump of Boko Haram but also the Islamic State’s West African
Province (ISWAP). Yes, they occasional
attack soft targets from the fringe islands in Chad, where they have
been confined by our troops, but they don’t hold any territory like
they did before the advent of this Administration, when they hoisted
their flag in their Bama Caliphate, collected taxes, as well as
removed and installed Emirs. They no longer have such capabilities.
The successful attacks they carried out in Abuja and other cities are
now a thing of the past. The terrorists’ recent attempt to attack
soft targets in Damaturu, the Yobe State Capital, and Biu in Borno
State were repelled by the military, with the terrorists suffering
heavy casualties.
It is important that we, as citizens, do not say or do anything to
demoralize the gallant troops who are fighting to keep us safe. It’s
Christmas and New Year now and we are all with our families
celebrating the holidays. But these gallant men and women are in the
trenches to keep us safe. Let us remember them in our prayers and give
them our support always, rather than sniping at them. Terrorism is not
just a Nigerian problem. It’s a global problem and it has global
ramifications. The terrorists are as irrational as they are inhuman.
They do not subscribe to any religion, despite their pretensions. That
explains why they reportedly murdered 11 innocent men in Nigeria
recently, in a dastardly and cold-blooded manner, just to avenge the
killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by US forces. The world
must unite to fight this scourge of our time.
Also, thanks to a multi-dimensional approach, the incessant
farmers-herders clashes across the country, as well as banditry and
kidnapping, have been reduced to the barest minimum.
Undoubtedly one of the boldest decisions ever taken by any
administration in Nigeria is the decision to embark on a border drill
as part of measures to secure Nigeria’s land and maritime borders. Many
have called it border closure, but it is not. Recall, gentlemen, that
the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) and Nigerian Immigration Service
(NIS), in collaboration with the Armed Forces of Nigeria (AFN) as well
as the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) and other security and intelligence
agencies, commenced a joint border security exercise, code-named
‘EXERCISE SWIFT RESPONSE’, in 4 geopolitical zones of the country,
namely; South South, South West, North Central and North West on the
20th August 2019. The exercise is being coordinated by the Office of
the National Security Adviser (ONSA) and is aimed at better securing
our borders in order to strengthen our economy and address other
trans-border security concerns.
Over time, Nigeria has been confronted with numerous trans-border
economic and security challenges. These challenges range from
banditry, kidnapping, smuggling, illegal migrantion and proliferation of
light weapons, among others. Meanwhile, the preference for foreign
goods, especially food items like rice, has continuously impoverished
our farmers and adversely affected domestic government policies
supporting the agricultural sector to enhance food security. It is
however disturbing that some neighbouring countries circumvent the
ECOWAS protocol on transit. For clarity, the ECOWAS protocol on
transit demands that when a transit container berths at a seaport, the
receiving country is mandated to escort same without tampering with
the seal to the border of the destination country. Unfortunately,
experience has shown that our neighbours do not comply with this
protocol. Rather, they break the seals of containers at their ports
and trans-load goods destined for Nigeria.
The effect of the border drill has been phenomenal and positive. I will list some of them
– Today, Nigeria is closer to attaining self sufficiency in rice
production than at any time in the country’s history, thanks to the
border drill that has drastically reduced rice smuggling into the
country and catalyzed rice production by our farmers across the
country. We recently visited some of Nigeria’s 34 integrated rice
mills as well as rice clusters in Kano. The rice mills are either
operating at full capacity or have doubled their production. Before
the drill, there were 12.2 million rice farmers in Nigeria, but now
six million people, mostly youths, are venturing into rice production.
Before the drill, farmers were cultivating rice twice a year, now that
has increased to three times a year, and some rice farmers are now
venturing beyond rice cultivation to milling, packaging and marketing.
Overall, the integrated mills currently produce 150,000 bags of rice
daily and about 35 million bags per annum
– The border drill has curbed the smuggling of rice and other
prohibited items into the country, led to significant seizures with
estimated monetary value of over 3,500,000 billion Naira, reduced
local fuel consumption by 30% and reduced the importation of arms,
munitions and drugs.
– Because of the drill, terrorists and other criminals are finding it
hard to procure arms and ammunition while criminal elements no longer
make their way into the country through the land borders. This has
resulted in reduced cases of insecurity, whether its kidnapping,
banditry, armed robbery or other violent crimes.
– Smuggling of petroleum products out of Nigeria has been drastically
curtailed, and has led to a 30% reduction in domestic fuel
– Before the drill, the Nigeria Customs Service was recording about
N4.5 billion daily. Since the drill started, the figure has increased
to between N5 billion and N8 billion daily.
– There has been a drastic reduction in illegal migration.
– The exercise has provided a unique platform for the various
participating agencies to operate jointly, thereby strengthening
inter-agency collaboration and reducing animosity. It is also
necessary to place on record that this is the first exercise in recent
times, that military, paramilitary as well as intelligence and
security agencies have come together to conduct such an exercise which
is akin to a National Security exercise.
Gentlemen, if there is any area in which this Administration has been
consistent in terms of development, it is in the area of building and
revamping critical infrastructure. As we speak, infrastructural
projects – roads, rail, power, dams etc – are ongoing in all the six
geo-political zones. No Administration has ever embarked on such a
massive infrastructural renewal, more so at a time of dwindling
a This year, Nigeria and Siemens signed an agreement to generate
11,000 MW by 2023. The Power Agreement is to support the activities of
the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and the 11 Distribution
Companies within the country, including software maintenance and
support for four years.
b The laying of rail tracks on the Lagos-Ibadan Standard Gauge rail
line has almost been completed and test run has commenced.
c Contractors were mobilized to various construction sites across
the country to deliver on the road projects. There are heightened
activities on the Lagos-Badagry, Port Harcourt-Enugu and Port
Harcourt-Aba, Onitsha-Enugu, Ilorin-Kabba, Loko-Oweto Bridge,
Okene-Auchi Road, Kano-Katsina Expressway, Abuja-Kaduna-Kano
Expressway rehabilitation and Obajana-Benin Road, among others.
President Muhammadu Buhari, in a landmark move, signed into law the
amended Deep Offshore Bill. This Act means that
Nigeria will now receive its fair, rightful and equitable share of
income from our own natural resources for the first time since 2003.
All these years, Nigeria has failed to secure its equitable share of
the proceeds of oil production, because all attempts to amend the law
on the distribution of income have failed. But this Administration has
broken the jinx.
For the first time under our amended law, 200 million Nigerians will
start to receive a fair return on the surfeit of resources of our
lands. Increased income will allow for new hospitals, schools,
infrastructure and jobs.
Gentlemen, 2019 has been a momentous year, and this Administration has
taken Nigeria closer to its Next Level target. The economy has
continued to witness a strong performance, building on the steady
recovery since the last recession. Nigeria has not reached its debt
ceiling of 25% in total public debt stock to GDP (Debt/GDP), as it is
currently on 18.99%, but its debt service to revenue ratio has been
higher than desirable, which explains why the government is moving
ahead with its economic diversification efforts, in addition to
increasing oil and non-oil revenues and widening the tax base.
Security of lives and property has remained a priority of this
Administration, hence the tremendous improvement that has been
witnessed in fighting terrorism, banditry, kidnapping and other acts
of criminality. It was indeed a challenging year in terms of
insecurity, but the federal government faced the challenge squarely to
cancel doomsday predictions from the political opposition and their
allies. The fight against insecurity was boosted by the border drill,
which curtailed access to weapons by terrorists and other criminals.
Thanks also to the drill, rice production has received a massive
boost, creating millions of jobs and moving Nigeria closer to
achieving self-sufficiency in rice production. The fight against
corruption has received a shot in the arm, with the launch of the
Administration’s Financial Transparency Policy and Portal, the
increased prosecution and convictions and the tracking of the huge
resources being allocated to constituency projects. The government has
continued to revamp the nation’s infrastructure, while taking more
steps to increase its earnings from its natural resources through
the amendment of the necessary laws.
We thank Nigerians for their support and perseverance, and we assure
that the Administration will continue to take all measures necessary
to secure the lives and property of all citizens while enhancing their
welfare. We urge the opposition to join hands with us to move Nigeria
to the Next Level, instead of engaging in scorched-earth opposition
that benefits no one.
You must have read the fake news attributed to Senator
Fadahunsi that I am behind the hate speech bill at the National
Assembly, and that the senator who is sponsoring the bill is fronting
for me
This is a typical example of the fake news we are trying to fight.
I am not the sponsor of the hate speech bill at the
National Assembly. However, I remain committed to sanitizing the social
I have said that all stakeholders will be involved in determining the modalities for regulating the social media
Finally, we thank you for always honouring our invitation and
we pray that 2020 brings you and your family great joy.
I thank you for your kind attention