
Church membership and other new tricks of kidnappers

Kidnapping for ransom has become a brisk business in Nigeria as a result Kidnappers have continued to devise new methods to lure victims. Below are some of the new tricks kidnappers use to lure victims into a trap.

Mounting roadblocks along highways with military uniforms has become one of the ways kidnappers use to get their victims.

Disguising as church members

There have been several reports of how kidnappers found their way into churches, disguised as church members and waited for the service to end before carrying out their criminal act.

Kidnappers now target isolated automated teller machines with long queues of customers. These kidnappers look out for the last person in a queue because such individuals will be an easy target for them.

Fake job interview

Text messages for job interviews are randomly sent to the mobile phones of persons who did not apply for the job. Their agenda is to get desperate job seekers to an arranged venue and hold them before contacting their relatives to pay ransom.

Using neighbours

It had been observed that kidnappers, rather than heading for the house of their potential victim directly, use the person’s neighbour to knock on the door or gate of their potential victim as a trick to bring them out. Their belief is that their target would open the door for the neighbour.

Luring children with gifts

Several innocent school age children have been kidnapped either on their way to school or returning from school using a gift strategy.

Switching off generator

When kidnappers identify a house that is easily penetrable, especially at night, they locate where the electricity switch box is and disconnect the power source.  They wait for any of the occupants to come out to check what might have happened. In the process, he or she is kidnapped. They may also switch off generators to lure their target.

Offering lift

As much as many would want to offer help to persons in need, giving strangers a lift could be a wrong move.

Pretending as relatives

Sometimes they enter the compound of their victims pretending to be  a relative who may be from a far away town. Many people have been kidnapped from their house when the kidnappers came pretending to be a family member living in another town.

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