
Buba Marwa takes over as NDLEA chief

The new chairman, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Brigadier General Mohammed Buba Marwa (rtd), has warned illicit drugs traffickers, exporters and cultivators as well as consumers in the country to stop the practice forthwith or be prepared to contend with the NDLEA.

Speaking during his inaugural meeting with management, state commanders and other staff of the agency in Abuja, Gen Marwa said, “It is the task of NDLEA to stop all this unacceptable nonsense of drugs abuse in Nigeria”.

“As the lead agency in the drug war in Nigeria, you are all too familiar with the extent of devastation that drug use has caused our nation. Drug use has eaten very deep into our social fabric. Every community in Nigeria is affected.

“It needs repeating that the number of drugs users in Nigeria now, of all ages must be well over 15 million. If we extrapolate the figures of the recent UNODC survey of 2018 where 14.3million Nigerians between the ages of 15 – 64 years were found to be drug users, at that time, nearly 3 times the global prevalence”.

Towards combating this menace, Marwa said, “We will resuscitate NDLEA to be fully active, to be effective, respected and be feared by all concerned criminals. Nigeria is the only country we have, we cannot fold our arms. We can, will and must eliminate the drug scourge”.

“NDLEA will be overhauled and expanded and repositioned in line with the PACEDA recommendations, existing financial constraints, and authorization of appropriate superior authorities.

“We will put equal efforts in drug demand reduction as contained in the NDLEA Act. We will develop a strategy of work to meet our objectives, following the NDLEA Masterplan 2021 – 2025 to be released soon, as our roadmap.

“Discipline must remain job number one. It is the bedrock of an organization such as ours. With my military background, you know what to expect. I expect diligence at work and will not hesitate to penalize default. Hard work will be rewarded”.

“Finally, I would like to warn those who engage in the dastardly trade of importation, export, cultivation, processing, manufacture, trafficking, sale and consumption of illicit substances to stop forthwith or be prepared to contend with NDLEA.

“NDLEA will safeguard the nation and our youths from the drug menace. That is a task that must be done”.

He assured the staff that all outstanding issues of stagnation in promotion, training, postings and emoluments will be addressed

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